Children of the World

Betty LaDuke: Children of the World


Children of the World — a collection of 106 photos, 7 paintings, and 9 drawings — features children from numerous countries within Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The inception of this project took place in an Otomi village in the Valle de Mesquital of northwest Mexico. A first-time photographer, LaDuke used her camera to capture the daily lives of Otomi villagers. When the children grew too shy, she would switch to sketchpads. Inspired, LaDuke traveled the world and documented her experiences through art. The Children of the World grew out of 46 years of those travels, culminating in the exhibit seen today. The photos and artwork are located on several walls and pillars on the first floor of the Hannon Library.

Betty LaDuke — artist, teacher, activist — is renowned across the country for her contributions to art and cultural perspective. She was born in New York, to Russian and Polish immigrants. She attended Los Angeles State College and Otis College of Art and Design. For 32 years she was a professor of art here at Southern Oregon University. Two important influences in her work are artists Elizabeth Catlett and Charles White. LaDuke is the mother of two children, including Native American activist Winona LaDuke.

Curriculum Resource. Betty LaDuke Children of the World. (PDF) Lesley Klecan. Rogue Gallery & Art Center.

For more information, visit Betty LaDuke's website.


painting, Bolivia Spirit Children