Circulation Services


A photo ID is required to check out or pick up library items. Sign in to your library account to manage loans and requests or contact the Circulation desk at 541.552.6860.

SOU Patrons

Material Students Staff & Term Faculty Annual & Emeritus Faculty
Hannon Library Books 90 days (90-day renewal) 90 days (90-day renewal) 360 days (360-day renewal)
Hannon Library Media 12 days 12 days 12 days
Summit Books & Media 12 weeks (6-week renewal) 12 weeks (6-week renewal) 12 weeks (6-week renewal)
Interlibrary Loan Books & Media 8–16 weeks 8–16 weeks 8–16 weeks
Chromebooks 3 days 3 days 3 days
Laptops 4 hours, library use only 4 hours, library use only 4 hours, library use only
Graphing Calculators (T-83, T84) 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours

Community Patrons

Material Friends of Hannon Library Campus Associates SOHEC Visiting Patrons Summit Visiting Patrons Academic Affiliates
Hannon Library Print 30 days (30-day renewal) 30 days (30-day renewal) 90 days (90-day renewal) 90 days (90-day renewal) 90 days (90-day renewal)
Hannon Library Media 12 days 12 days 12 days 12 days 12 days

Proxy Accounts

SOU faculty may authorize a proxy to check out and/or pick up library materials on their account to support their academic work. SOU patrons requiring medical accommodations are also eligible to designate a proxy.

If you designate a proxy, you are responsible for the return of materials, recall notices, and replacement charges for lost books checked out on your account. Technology and study rooms are excluded from proxy service.

Faculty and Staff Spouses

Faculty and staff spouses are eligible for Campus Associate privileges on their own library accounts. Please contact for more information.

Renewals & Returns


Renewals can be requested via My Library Account on the library website or by calling the circulation desk at 541-552-6860.

Hannon Library materials are allowed up to one renewal for the same length of time as the original loan period. Summit materials may also be renewed for a maximum of 6 weeks for printed materials and 12 days for media. Renewals will be denied if the material has been requested by another patron or if the item has reached its maximum loan period.


Library items can be returned at the circulation desk inside the library or to one of our two outdoor book drops located directly outside the library and in the roundabout near the front parking lot. SOU-owned items can also be returned to any Rogue Community College library or any Summit member library. Chromebooks, laptops, and study room keys should always be returned in person at the Tech Help Desk inside the library.

Fines for Overdue, Damaged, or Lost Items

All items checked out from Hannon Library are subject to fines and fees if late, lost, or damaged, up to and including replacement costs and service charges.

Library Fines & Fees*

Material Overdue Fine Maximum Accrual
Books & Media -- --
Library Use Only $2.00/day $20.00
Course Reserve and Technology Day Loans $2.00/day $30.00
Course Reserve and Technology Hourly Loans $3.00/hour $72.00
Study Room Keys $1.00/hour $10.00

*SOU Faculty are exempt from overdue fines on SOU-owned items.

Replacement Charges

Once items meet their maximum accrual, they will move into a lost status and a replacement fee will be charged in addition to the overdue fines. If the lost item is returned within 6 months, the replacement fee will be refunded. The overdue fine, however, will remain on the patron’s account.

Billing Appeal

We understand that there are extenuating circumstances that can prevent you from returning items on time. The sooner we hear from you, the sooner we can work with you and resolve the late return of items and avoid overdue charges or other fees. If you believe you were charged a fine or fee in error, or if you have a unique situation that made it difficult for you to return items on time, you may submit a Billing Appeal at the Circulation desk, or by email to

Community Patron Types

Friends of Hannon Library

The Friends of Hannon Library is a nonprofit group that supports the library by purchasing materials that the Library would not have been otherwise able to afford and provides programming directed to assisting students. Members of the community who purchase an annual or lifetime Friends of the Hannon Library members are eligible to borrow library items. Visit the Friends of Hannon Library website for more information on how to become a member.

Campus Associate

Campus Associates are community members with a connection to the university as an SOU board member, auxiliary employee, or alumni member. Alumni members must register with the SOU Alumni Association in order to be eligible for a Hannon Library account.

Spouses of SOU Faculty and Staff are eligible for Campus Associate privileges. SOU employees must be present with their spouses to set up the account.

SOHEC Visiting Patron

Students, faculty, and staff who are currently enrolled or employed at Rogue Community College, Oregon Institute of Technology, or Klamath Community College are eligible for borrowing privileges. SOHEC Visiting Patrons must present a valid school ID in order to register for a Hannon Library account.

Summit Visiting Patron

Students, faculty, and staff who are currently enrolled or employed at a Summit consortium institution are eligible for borrowing privileges. Find out if your home institution is part of the Summit borrowing network from this list of member institutions. Summit Visiting Patrons must present a valid school ID in order to register for a Hannon Library account.

Academic Affiliate

Affiliated faculty, visiting scholars, and OLLI instructors are eligible for borrowing privileges as campus academic affiliates. The circulation desk receives a list of qualifying affiliates each term and will create accounts for affiliates with the presentation of a valid photo ID.