Friends of Hannon Library

About Friends of Hannon Library

In 1974, the idea for the Southern Oregon University Friends of the Library emerged from discussion among the University’s librarians, faculty members, and interested citizens. The following year, a constitution was adopted and the Friends of Hannon Library was born.

The Friends of Hannon Library's goal of enriching the collections at Hannon Library has resulted in many important acquisitions over the years, including two rare Shakespeare folios. Funds raised by the Friends of Hannon Library have enabled the library to purchase materials that the Library would not have been otherwise able to afford and support programing directed to assisting students.

Every year, the Friends of Hannon Library sponsor a lecture series of outstanding speakers on topics of literary and intellectual interest. Past speakers have included Senator Mark Hatfield, theatre icon Angus Bowmer, novelist Ken Goddard, as well as John Frohmeyer, former director of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

The Friends are committed to:

  • Helping acquire expensive books that Hannon Library would not otherwise be able to obtain

  • Maintaining and enlarging the Bailey Shakespeare Collection

  • Securing materials and resources for the general upkeep of library collections

  • Obtaining outstanding speakers who highlight relevant topics

  • Sponsoring programming aimed at student success

Become a Friend and become an important part of Southern Oregon University.

Friends Online Exhibit

To learn more about the Friends, visit the Celebrating 50 Years of the Friends of Hannon Library online exhibit, hosted by the Library's Special Collections and Archives.


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