Every year the Friends sponsor a speaker series with local presenters that covers a variety of topics. This year, to celebrate the Friends of Hannon Library’s 50th Anniversary, our Speakers Series will focus on the role of libraries in higher education supporting student success and as public resources, sources of information, and repositories serving scholars and the public.
All events are free and open to the public in the Southern Oregon University Hannon Library’s Meese Room (Room 305). Zoom links will be posted prior to each event. For more information on the events, contact Hannon Library staff at libraryevents@sou.edu
Metered parking is available for those visiting campus to attend the event in parking lots 1, 12, 29, 36, 37 and 41. Those who need disability accommodations to participate in the event, may contact SOU’s Disability Resources office at (541) 552-6213.
Please join us for a celebration of the 20th anniversary of the expansion and remodel of Hannon Library. Come for an evening of memories, mingling, and looking ahead to the next chapter of Hannon Library. The event will begin with an open house featuring Hannon Library art and special collections treasures and end with food and wine in the Meese Room.
Free parking is available for this special event in Lots 21 and 22 behind Hannon Library
To RSVP, please email library@sou.edu or call (541) 552-6833.
More and more, researchers, students, and citizens face a landscape of incomplete, incorrect, and untrustworthy information. How do we establish trust in information sources in an age when technology has dramatically altered both how information is produced and our interactions with it?
Panelists include Melissa Anderson, Campus Engagement and Research Services Librarian at SOU, Stacey Wedlake, Research Scientist in the Technology and Social Change Group at University of Washington Information School, and Elizabeth Ramsey, Associate Professor and Librarian at Boise State University, along with moderator Tony Davis, a computational linguist.
The Friends of Hannon Library will host the 30th William Stafford Poetry Celebration at Southern Oregon University’s Hannon Library in the Meese Room (room 305) from 7-9 p.m. on Thursday, January 9, 2025. This is an annual reading and open mic event honoring the Oregon Poet who served as Oregon Poet Laureate from 1975 to 1990. Poet and Stafford scholar Vince Wixon will be this year’s special guest speaker. Featured poets will be Margaret Loken, Peter Yeager, Barry Vitcov, and Dianne Oberhansly, along with host Amy Miller. Refreshments and wine will be provided. Free parking is available for this special event in Lots 21 and 22 behind Hannon Library. Learn more about this celebration on the Hannon Library blog.
If you are unable to attend the event in person, you may join us via Zoom at https://sou.zoom.us/j/84413461287.
From the most monumental events to the details of everyday life, archives preserve and organize history and create the conditions for new knowledge, new discovery, and deeper understanding. A panel of experts will describe their experiences working with and building archives, discuss what should be archived here in Southern Oregon and beyond, and talk about ways in which archives support learning and scholarship.
Panelists include Mark Tveskov, Southern Oregon University Professor of Anthropology; Christopher Lucas, SOU Professor of Communication; and Hannah Archambault, SOU Professor of History.
This panel discussion will address current issues affecting librarians and library patrons alike, in both public and academic libraries. Nationally and locally, libraries face daunting issues. A host of challenges — rising costs, funding cuts, outdated facilities, social problems, and the politicization of access to library materials — weigh on their future.
Panelists Wendy Cornelisen, State Librarian of Oregon, Kari May, Jackson County Library Services Director, and Jennifer Cox, Dean of Library and Learning Resources at Chemeketa Community College, will offer their views on how we might respond to these challenges. Carrie Forbes, Dean of the School of Undergraduate Studies and the University Library at SOU will moderate the panel.
Note that this event will be held in LIB 206 and not in the Messe Room.
The panel may also be viewed via Zoom at https://sou.zoom.us/j/81216330953.
Recordings of previous Friends of Hannon Library lectures can be found on the Hannon Library YouTube page.