Lecture Series - Friends of the Hannon Library


The Series

Every year the Friends sponsor a speaker series with local presenters that cover a variety of topics.

Seating is limited. Pre-registration required for all webinars.

If you need disability accommodations to participate in these events, please contact Disability Resources at 541-552-6213 or dss@sou.edu.

Coming in 2022

April 14, 7:00 pm

Storytelling: Stepping from the Past to the Future with Indigenous Fantasy | Valerie Janis

May 12, 4:00 pm

Thomas the Melungeon: Walking in My Ancestor's Footsteps | Gigi Best

Past Events

Irv Lubliner

March 10, 2022, 7:00 pm

Only Hope: My Mother and the Holocaust Brought to Light

Irv Lubliner, SOU Emeritus Professor, shares the story of his mother’s writings about her experience during the Holocaust.

Roy Saigo

February 10, 7:00 pm

But, I'm an American Citizen

Roy Saigo, former Southern Oregon University President, speaks on the incarceration of people of Japanese ancestry during World War II. He provides a review of the conditions before, during, and after the imprisonment of Japanese Americans.

Amy Miller

January 13, 7:00 pm

Annual William Stafford Poetry Celebration

The 2022 William Stafford Poetry Celebration, held on January 13th. Hosted by Amy Miller with special guest poet Judith Barrington and readings by Isabelle Rosier Alzado, Manya Yana Orescan Campos, and Jay Schroder.

Dr. Beth Rose Middleton Manning

November 11, 2021, 7:00pm

Keepers of the Flame: Indigenous Burning Practices and the Future of Land Management

Join Beth Rose Middleton Manning and Chris Adlam as they discuss the ecological and sociopolitical importance of supporting cultural burning practices, share lessons learned from collaborative cultural burning workshops, and reflect on current opportunities and challenges facing cultural burning practitioners in both California and Oregon.

Beth Rose Middleton Manning is a Professor of Native American Studies at UC Davis, with a background in Environmental Policy. Her research and teaching center on Native environmental policy and Native activism for site protection using conservation tools.

Cathy Camper, photo by Jayson Colomby

October 14, 2021, 7:00pm

Blast Off! With Lowriders in Space: Graphic Novels, Equity, Diversity, and Lowrider Technology!

Join Cathy Camper, award-winning author and founding member of the Portland Women of Color zine collective, for a lively discussion about her award-winning Lowriders in Space graphic novel series, and her picture book Ten Ways to Hear Snow. Learn how graphic novels and picture books are created, the history of lowrider cars, the technology to make them hop, and some of the science and secrets in the books.

We’ll also talk about the importance of diversity and equity in children’s books. If you love comics, cars, kids’ books, writing, drawing, science and silly stuff, this talk is for you! All ages welcome.




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